
For more than 25 years IBT has helped our clients build brands, drive sales and achieve extraordinary performance by integrating marketing intelligence, distinctive design, smart branding and expert performance consulting into a seamless retail design solution. IBT understands that each client’s growth strategy is unique.  Every project is customized to identify and fulfill the specific needs of that particular client.

By applying best practices to retail environments, IBT helps our clients create an engaging and compelling experience that builds consumer loyalty and drives tangible results. Merchandising is a critical component in creating this experience.

IBT’s merchandising expertise assists clients with forging an emotional connection with the consumer, creating a platform for launching and growing new and expanded products and services as well as development of signature elements that can be utilized throughout the facility for brand awareness. This approach examines both the tactical and strategic elements of a merchandising program, including:

  • Efficiency – maximizing the impact of the merchandising within the facility
  • Consistency – ensuring that the integrity of the brand is maintained irrespective of environment
  • Flexibility – supporting the needs of different facility layouts, and to allow for seasonal or locally based campaigns
  • Extendibility – providing easy modification to support new and updated product lines and services as they are developed
  • Manageability – ensuring that merchandising programs are easily implemented, maintained, updated and managed at both the facility and corporate levels

Whether using digital, print or environmental media, IBT helps transform your facility into a powerful marketing tool.